Nitrogen Generator for Marine Vessel Cargo Tank Inerting
August 14, 2024
GENERON recently supplied an HP 6800 CP Skid Series Membrane Nitrogen Generator to a chemical and oil products tanker. The GENERON nitrogen generator is being utilized for blanketing and inerting purposes, for safe cargo transporting and unloading. The package provides high-pressure nitrogen for the tanker’s blanket gas, and low-pressure nitrogen is used during the unloading process.

This nitrogen generator skid package offers primary compression 6625 scfm at 116 psig (11260 m3/h at 8 barg), and included refrigerant dryers. The primary compressor is sea water cooled, and marine approved for essential duty. Also included in this skid package is a nitrogen receiver complete with instruments, valves, and double bleed valves for nitrogen distribution during cargo unloading. The GENERON nitrogen generator is configured to the tankers needs to produce 95% purity with a flow of 2650 scfm (4500 m3/h).
The HP 6800 CP membrane offers higher separation efficiency than competitors, leading to reduced feed air needs and 15-25% less energy usage compared to similar systems. The nitrogen generator is also fully automated for unattended operation, monitors and maintains product purity, and vents off-spec gas if necessary.
GENERON membrane systems provide a diverse range of flow rates and adjustable purities; and can be conveniently upgraded in rated capacity after initial installation in most instances. Contact our technology specialist today to find out how our Application Focused approach can deliver more to you.