Nitrogen Gas Safety Precautions – Is Nitrogen Dangerous?

The use of gaseous nitrogen has become almost indispensable in numerous industrial manufacturing and transport processes. The inert nature of this gaseous element makes it ideal for use in processes where process–driver side reactions may cause alterations to the final products. While the uses of gaseous nitrogen are countless, it must be handled in accordance […]

What is Gas Flaring? – Why is It Done & Viable Alternatives

Flare gas is a byproduct of numerous industrial processes including oil and gas recovery, petrochemical process, landfill gas production, and wastewater treatment. Although in large quantities it might be economically viable to employ the use of flare gas in heat and electricity production, in some cases flare gas may not be a cost-effective decision to […]

Landfill Gas to Energy Systems – How Does Landfill Gas Collection Work?

The need for renewable sources of energy has necessitated the exploration of various methods of power generation. Conversion of gaseous effluents from a landfill site to usable energy is an environmentally friendly means of achieving climate change goals. This article will explain the vital question renewable energy enthusiasts ask: how does landfill gas work? What […]

Safer Flights with Aircraft Nitrogen Generating Systems for Fuel Tanks

Safety and reliability of aircraft components and systems are critical in the aviation industry. Fires are hazardous in all sections of an aircraft, particularly in tanks containing jet fuel. The catastrophic TWA Flight 800 accident of 1996, which killed all 230 passengers including service crew, was linked to an electric spark in one of the […]

What Is Coal Bed Methane? – CBM Extraction Methods

Coal bed methane (CBM), an important unconventional gas occurring naturally in coal beds, is increasingly being used for industrial and utility purposes. Learn what coal bed methane is, its unique gas composition, physical properties, and uses and explore the most prominent coal bed methane extraction processes. What Is Coal Bed Methane? Coal bed methane (CBM) […]

What Is a VRU, and How Does a Vapor Recovery Unit Work?

In the downstream segment of oil and gas operations, it is critical to eliminate harmful vapors with potentially toxic and explosive properties from gasoline and other fuel types before the products are sold. Vapor recovery is particularly crucial as hydrocarbon storage containers may be prone to leaks via the hatches and safety valves as the […]

What Is Gas Sweetening?

Before natural gas or landfill gas can be injected into a pipeline or used in commercial applications such as CNG, Power Generation, etc. it must meet specific requirements for quality. Natural gas or landfill gas can be sweet or sour depending on the level of contaminants present. Sweet gas is favorable for transport and sale […]

GENERON Returning to Swanapalooza

GENERON is happy to announce that we will be returning to Swanapalooza for the 2019 show.  Stop by our booth to learn how our Membrane-based CO2 Removal Systems can provide an all-inclusive solution for your companies needs. GENERON is pleased to offer specific vacuum blowers and high-pressure compressor packages for landfill applications.  

GENERON at Egypt Petroleum Show

GENERON would like to announce its participation at the Egypt Petroleum Show (EGYPS). The third annual edition opened on Monday, Feburary 11th, for a 3-day session showcasing the emerging and growing importance of the region’s potential. 400 regional and international exhibiting companies from over 20 countries are welcoming over 20,000 oil and gas professional visitors. […]

Nitrogen Generator for Dry Sprinkler Systems

Sprinkler systems are a vital part of building safety and are often required under building codes. In the past, fire suppression sprinkler systems were wet systems- that is, systems where the water is contained within the pipes of the sprinkler system at all times. This type of system had several disadvantages, but the main problem […]