Using Nitrogen Gas in the Curing Process for Products

The success of many industrial processes is dependent on the ability of plant operators to finely regulate the physical and chemical conditions under which manufacturing occurs. Applications across oil and gas, brewery, metallurgy, and food manufacturing require certain temperatures and atmospheric conditions to yield high-quality finished products. Maintaining the right temperatures and atmospheric conditions usually […]

Pressure Dew Point in Compressed Air: What Is It and How to Measure It

The generation of compressed air used in industrial processes like heat generation, cooling, and tool operations produces significant amounts of water vapor. This inevitable by-product generated during air compression might be harmless in small quantities, but an unchecked accumulation of water vapor can damage sensitive industrial equipment or even alter the quality of finished products. […]

Compressed Air Testing: Why and How to Test Industrial Air and Gas

In today’s highly industrialized society, countless processes require the use of compressed air. Industries including Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Industrial, Environmental, Medical, Food & Beverage, Pharmaceutical, and Airline incorporate compressed air systems in their manufacturing cycles. Since compressed air is critical to these processes, it’s important for plant operators using these systems to properly monitor […]

How to Separate Nitrogen from Air – Nitrogen Extraction from Air

The widespread use of nitrogen in industrial processes makes it vital for operators to understand and employ the most efficient nitrogen generation techniques. While nitrogen occurs freely in nature, it is not readily available in its most useful form. Nitrogen is typically mixed with other component gases of air that may have an undesirable effect […]

How Is Nitrogen Produced for Industrial Applications?

In many manufacturing processes, the use of large volumes of nitrogen is crucial to success. From food and beverage manufacture, winery, and oil and gas processes such as nitrogen blanketing and gas purging, large volumes of nitrogen are needed to facilitate these processes. A significant challenge that industrial operators may face is deciding the best […]

Argon vs. Nitrogen Purging for Atmospheric Inerting

The manufacture and storage of electronics, chemicals, and moisture-sensitive materials frequently require the use of an inert environment. The presence of atmospheric air within these processes will cause damage and diminish their useful lifespans due to the corrosive effects of oxygen, moisture, and other suspended impurities. An industrial solution to this problem involves the use […]

Nitrogen Quenching – What Is Gas Quenching

Quenching is a very common technique used in the heat-treating process for steel. The quenching process helps to prevent low-temperature processes like phase transformation by shortening the thermodynamic and kinetic windows for these reactions. Quenching is frequently used to increase subject hardness by reducing the crystal grain size of plastic and metallic materials. What Is […]

Nitrogen Annealing – Purpose, Uses, Normalizing Difference

Your metal components are typically suited for a specific use. Whether they’re used in your manufacturing process or for end-user products, your metals will perform best when they meet certain standards for hardness, ductility, machinability. Depending on your application, nitrogen annealing may be the best process for creating the perfectly suited metal. What Is Annealing? […]

Nitrogen Blanketing and Padding for Tanks, Transformers & More

Elemental nitrogen is one of nature’s most abundant chemical substances accounting for a significant portion of air. Gaseous nitrogen has found countless applications in industrial manufacturing processes including beverage preparation, fertilizer manufacturing, pharmaceutics, oil and gas recovery, and electronics production. Further, numerous industrial production methods use volatile chemicals that pose safety hazards if improperly handled. […]

Nitrogen for Wine Sparging, Bottling and Blanketing

The process of winemaking requires adherence to delicately balanced techniques to obtain wines of the highest possible quality. As with any other beverage-making process, winemakers must contend with biological and chemical processes that may taint the winery’s production. Bacterial contamination and chemical oxidation are the most crucial points of friction in wine production. Oxidation and […]